LPN Scope of Practice

According to Sec. 55-30 of Illinois Nurse Practice Act practice as a licensed practical nurse means a scope of basic nursing practice, with or without compensation, as delegated by a registered professional nurse or an advanced practice nurse or as directed by a...


RENEWAL INFORMATION Not all licenses/registrations can renew by credit card. If your renewal mailing does not indicate a Credit Card Payment Option, you may not renew with a credit card.If you are having problems with your renewal please call 1-800-560-6420...

RN Scope of Practice

According to Section 1300.360 of Illinois Nurse Practice Act, practice as a registered professional nurse means the full scope of nursing, with or without compensation, that incorporates caring for all patients in all settings, through nursing standards recognized by...

Why does a nurse need to know about the Nurse Practice Act?

The practice of nursing is a right granted by a state to protect those who need nursing care. The guidelines of the NPA and its rules provide safe parameters within which to work, as well as protect patients from unprofessional and unsafe nursing practice. The act is...

Why are there laws regulating nursing?

The practice of nursing requires specialized knowledge, skill, and independent decision making. Nursing careers take widely divergent paths – practice focus varies by setting, by type of client, by different disease, therapeutic approach or level of...